Nine Days with Christian (2012)

As a volunteer photographer for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (, we provide remembrance photography to families who lose a child at birth, or shortly thereafter. Studies show that even knowing these photographs exist helps a family in the grieving process. Usually this is a brief visit with the family at the hospital, to make images of the baby, and the family if they choose.

In this instance, Jennifer, a mother of four, was pregnant with Christian, who was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a condition that causes serious birth defects, and one that babies usually do not survive. Jennifer asked if I would take photographs while she was still pregnant, and then to be there the day Christian was born, to capture whatever time the family would have with him. I photographed when he was born, his christening, and his short life of nine days. After Christian passed away, Jennifer asked me to come to the funeral for some last memories of the family’s time with Christian.